Distinguishing Car Dents and Dings

Many of us have used the words “ding” and “dent” interchangeably, but did you know that these two words have different meanings? It’s true! In the following article, we will explore the difference between a ding and a dent, and who you can contact for the best possible care for your vehicle repair needs.

Car Dent

Benefits of Paintless Dent Removal

When it comes to your car, you want only the best for it and that includes repair services as well. Do you have to deal with dents from shopping carts, fender benders, or other accidents? Then paintless dent repair is the solution to look for. Paintless dent repair, also known as PDR, is the process…

A parked car on a flooded street.

How to Tell If a Car Is Water Damaged

Hurricane Harvey has left nearly a million new and used cars damaged by floodwaters. People in Houston, San Antonio and other parts of Texas are now concerned about the lifespans of their cars. Learn more about the damages of flooded cars to know if you need repairs. Here are the common signs of water damage to spot on a car.

A classic car parked after a hurricane with a felled tree.

What Hurricane Damage Can Be Fixed with PDR?

Being the owner of a classic car comes with its perks, especially if that car is in mint condition. You have worked long and hard to keep your cherished vehicle in pristine condition, but what happens if Mother Nature decides to pay you an unwanted visit? What can you do when you’ve taken every precaution but a hurricane decides to make landfall in your neck of the woods? If your baby has suffered relatively minor dings or dents which mar its classic beauty, there are highly trained and skilled Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) technicians on hand to restore your vehicle to its original factory condition.

A Carfax History Report logo on a car.

Does Hail Damage Appear on Car History Reports?

Hailstorms in Texas happen more often than not. Some of the storms have been so severe that individual counties were deemed disaster areas. These storms have increased over the last few years, which only puts more property in danger. One of the most damaged forms of property are cars. This is the reason many Texan car owners are afraid of hail damage and what it could mean for their property.

Motorcycle after being hit by car

PDR for Motorcycles

Motorcycles hold a special place in the hearts of their owners. Far more than just a means of transportation, the relationship between man and motorcycle is rivaled only by that of man and dog. Most owners, therefore, take the utmost precautions to keep their chrome-plated companions free from harm or danger, but accidents unfortunately still happen. This is where PDR, or paintless dent repair, can be a lifesaver.

Deer crossing the street with upcoming car.

What to Do if You Hit an Animal While Driving

Hopefully this is a situation that never happens to you, but if you accidentally hit an animal while driving, there are steps you need to take. From calling and reporting the accident to the police to filing insurance claims, we’ve covered the basics on what to do if you’re driving and hit a wild animal or someone’s pet.
